CloudTrucks Repayments

My Role
Lead product designer
May - Aug 2023
Cash product manager, Content designer, Cash eng, Mobile eng, Product marketing manager

Project Overview

CloudTrucks uses repayment policy to collect money that drivers owe to CloudTrucks. But drivers feel that repayments can be unpredictable and overwhelming. So we redesigned the repayment feature, hoping it would help drivers have a better understanding and ownership over what they owe to CloudTrucks. As a result, we have already seen a 12.9% total debt rate drop since the launch.

Discovery process


As of October 9, 2023, drivers owed CloudTrucks $658,000 in total repayments, with $440,000 of this debt past due. Only 36% of users maintained a clean debt rate. This repayment issue contributes to user churn, with 4.9% of churn cases as of August 2023 attributed to repayment-related failures.

Pain points

We interviewed users and uncovered a handful insights on what went wrong with the current product:

With the insights from the user interviews, we then did another round of UX audit on the current mobile app, defined a few parts we would like to redesign to resolve the current problems.

In conclusion, the pain points are:
• Not enough transparency on repayments when booking & completing a job.
• Information overload in the payment statement.
• Timeline confusions on between two types of policy and lack of info highlight.

After we learned more about the problems and what’s causing the pain, we were able to finalize the design goal and requirements clearly.

Design goal

Redesign the repayment experience so that drivers have better understanding and ownership over what they owe to CloudTrucks.

Design approaches

Content update

In order to match better with the standard industry language to help drivers understand their repayments, we decided to change Repayments to Deductions.

Bring focus to current balance

To help drivers understand how repayment charges are calculated and have a better ownership of their debts, we established the strategy to bring the highlight to current balance on repayment page. So that users will have a better sense of how much they still need to pay back in each billing period.

Improve transparency

We decided to reveal repayment information to users as early as possible, even if it is an estimation. By doing this we can reduce unexpected frustration. Then we minimized information overload on payment statements, helping drivers better understand how the charges are structured.

Final design

Here are some of the main screens of the design on the new deduction home page and deduction experience in job statement.

Deduction summary
Deduction policy detail
Estimated deduction
Statement update


Since the new design was shipped in September 2023, the total debt rate has dropped 12.9% as of April 2024. The clean debt rate has even increased 41%.

Next step

With the deduction redesign V1 being a success at reducing overdue balance for fleets, we already planned more improvements for the future, including making a one-time payment for all the deductions to simplify the UX of making payments, and a more thorough update for statement design to improve the transparency of their job payouts.